Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Engaging young people around the world

Students in Anya Greenhill's
Year 12 Geography class,
East Doncaster Secondary College
In September, I (Rev. Kerry Greenhill, Field Coordinator) had an opportunity to talk about Imagine No Malaria with the very bright and engaged students of a 12th-grade Geography class in Australia. My cousin's wife, Anya Greenhill, is a teacher at East Doncaster Secondary College, and she decided to spend their final unit of the school year (which runs January to December) on malaria.

The wonders of 21st-century communication technology (Skype) allowed me to give a 15-minute presentation about the challenge of malaria in Africa, and how the people of The United Methodist Church are responding through Imagine No Malaria, and then spend another 30 minutes or so answering questions from students.

It was an excellent experience, in spite of some minor challenges in volume levels, and as I have found to be true in other settings, the young people asked questions that were every bit as insightful and probing as questions asked by adults. They had done their homework in researching both the topic of malaria and some of the background of Imagine No Malaria, and we had what I experienced as a thoughtful conversation across the thousands of miles of Pacific Ocean that separate us. Anya has set a goal to invite them to get involved in the global fight against malaria in one way or another, and it was clear that they are well on their way.

If you are a teacher or otherwise connected with a local school in some way, consider whether it might be possible to invite the students, faculty, and community to join you in learning more about malaria and in taking action to end preventable deaths from this killer disease of poverty. I'd be glad to offer support and resources (as soon as I return from vacation on Oct. 24) - just send me an email or give me a call at the Rocky Mountain Conference office!

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